Top 50
At least 5 titles in the "Top 50 Most Played Demos" in each Steam Next Fest to date
Over 100k+ verified content creators to collaborate with at any given time
Lurkit creators claimed and activated 375k+ game codes in 2024 and counting
Over 81% of the 375k+ key activations turned into submitted content
Who is Eligible?
All indie releases, solo developers, or self-funded projects who meet our base criteria are eligible for the Lurkit Indie Program!
An indie project or solo developer with your first game ready for distribution
You are eligible for up to 70% off Lurkit's software in your first year, 50% off your second, and 25% off ongoing.
An indie project or solo developer with a portfolio of games
You are eligible for up to 50% off Lurkit's software in your first year and 25% off ongoing.

"Lurkit helped Murky Divers with inbound organic influencers. There were so many creators out there that
weren’t on our radar. Lurkit helped us find them or made sure they found us. This resulted in a nice
increase in small- to medium-sized influencer coverage."
Sam De Boeck - Founder, ORO Interactive